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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Saturday night Tony surprised me with . . . A NEW CAMERA!!! It's a Canon Elph with lots of bells and whistles so it should take great pictures. I've just started playing with it and figuring it out, but I think I will love it.

Last Tuesday, I got to babysit Sierra & baby Lily. Faith loves absolutely loves holding her and Christian was very interested, as well.


Faith drew this awesome Lepricon during art time at school on Friday. The most amazing thing is that she reproduced a nearly exact copy at Tony's parents' Sunday evening because she wanted to show them but had forgotten the original!

Here is Christian with my mom

and Tony's mom. He sure loves his grandmas!!

On Sunday we enjoyed an Irish feast that my dad made. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and colcannon (which was basically mashed potatoes with cabbage and seasoning). Yummy!!

Here is Faith modeling her St. Patrick's Day hair tutu that she wore on Monday.

Here is a pic of Christian & his kitty that didn't make the cut for the blog header. If only Misty would have cooperated better!

Here are the kids eating Chic-fil-A nuggets at the Layton mall food court yesterday.

And here they are sporting their new shades that we picked up at the mall.
Last night we watched our brand new copy of "Enchanted." We LOVE that movie!!! Even Christian payed attention to the parts with animals in them and did a little dancing during the musical numbers.

Here is a new scrapbooking layout I completed:

And here are some pages from my old scrapbook. A typical page (with our pets as the subjects) from 1997 showing our dogs enjoying our bed, which is where they all slept every night. I thought it was uncomfortable at the time, but I had not yet slept with KIDS!

And for the pièce de résistance, this gem preserving forever the proof of Tony & my being the biggest nerds ever. Some of you may have had bigger glasses, but I bet it was way before 1997! The cute baby is Sarah's oldest, Brendon.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nothing too exciting going on at our house this week. We've had some beautiful weather the last couple of days and went to the park on Sunday evening. Speaking of Sunday, Christian went to all of nursery for the first time!

Here is Faith after setting out a selection of stuffed animals and dolls in a storage tub "bed". Later, Christian got jealous of their comfy digs and sat in the storage tub to watch TV.

Our real animals discovered a comfy bed themselves. One of the kids had put my body pillow on the couch and Crumpet & Misty quickly figured out that it was a great place for a nap.

Is it mischief time yet? Of course it is at my house--24/7!! Here Christian's standing on a chair at the island (Faith, will you PLEASE put the chairs back in the living room after you have used them!!!!!) getting into the markers. Luckily, I caught him quickly and only the tip of his finger and edge of his mouth were blue. He seems to be quite pleased that he managed to decorate his hand and get a quick taste before I took them away!

Taking a quick break from his world of discovery and mayhem, he ponders his next move atop his mighty steed.

Faith has been reading up a storm and is enjoying every minute of it. She read all the books that her kindergarten teacher usually sends home with the kids, and now Mrs. Schaefermeyer has had to come up with some more advanced selections.

Here is Christian actually being a helper and letting the cat in for me.

Bet you couldn't guess that he ate ravioli for lunch!

And lastly, here is Faith today wearing a shirt that my mom just gave her. Faith could hardly sleep last night she was so excited about it!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dad who turned the big 6-0 yesterday!! We love you!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sorry about the "chipmunk" music! My sister-in-law, Tina, and then my mother told me that the music was playing too fast. What is so weird is that it worked fine on my computer! Hopefully it's working correctly now.

p.s. Tonight Tony & I were watching CMT and they had "One Hot Mama" (click title to see video, BUT BE FOREWARNED THAT IT IS VERY SEXY) as one of the sexiest country music videos. It's a few years old and I've seen it before, but it made me chuckle. Bless all you husbands out there--mine included--who still "see" us as hot mama's (or at least pretend to ;)

Sorry for the music obsession lately, it's been pointed out to me that some of you only read this blog to hear about and see pictures of my cute kids (bite me, Tina!). But I use this blog as my journal, so I like to post whatever strikes my fancy at the time :D

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ok, so Tony came home Monday night, read my blog, and told me that I had the wrong Cinderella song on here!! I can't say that I'm too surprised by that taking into consideration #1 - my memory, #2 - that I saw the video for the first time right before church on Sunday amidst my running around getting together stuff for my primary chorister gig, and #3 - the song I found did have Cinderella in it and was about a little girl growing up. So, I've added "Stealing Cinderella" (click title for lyrics) to the top of the music queue so you can all enjoy the correct song. I kept the other one as well, because I like it, too.

Another thing that I just have to post, did you see David Cook on American Idol Tuesday night? He ROCKED!! He was so good that it raised his sexyness factor above all the other contestants! (And that's not easy, have you seen these guys this year?) Anyway, if you missed it, here's my new crush rocking an '80's Lyonel Richie classic: click here for video on YouTube.

And lastly, I finished another scrapbook page:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yay it's March, now bring on spring!!!

We have mostly been hanging out at home this last week. Here is Faith enjoying one of her very favorite activities, drawing.

Have you noticed that I've updated the "about us" section over on the right? I also changed the music to some songs about family life and growing kids. I totally relate to the lyrics of "Just Another Day in Paradise" (click on the titles to read them). My friend Rachel Hood mentioned in her blog hearing "You're Gonna Miss This" and I just had to put it on here. And a new one that Tony just showed me the video of (be forewarned, it's a tear jerker if you have a daughter), "Cinderella." I also have "And Then They Do," at the bottom of the list. Listen for awhile to get to it, or you can click on the songs individually at the very bottom of the blog (scroll ALL the way down, just above the map).I hope you liked my selections about kids last week, I especially love "Let them Be Little."

Faith is the greatest big sister! She is such a helper, I don't know what I'd do without her!! She's going to be the best mom ever.

I just had to take a picture of this, even though Tony thinks it's gross. For some reason, one half of a cut onion got tossed into the pantry behind some stuff and I just came across it the other day. I have no idea how long it's been in there, probably a month or two. I can't believe that after being cut in half, getting moldy, and without any light or water, it grew into such a big plant!

Here's Christian at the sink . . . again. It sure keeps him busy, though. I use it as my secret weapon when I need to get something done and he's extra clingy.

A cute succession of photos that I got when I was trying to get the kissy pic for the blog header:

And the adorable smiles that melt my heart!
We had a fun afternoon at McDonald's on Friday with Ann & her kids and Natalie & her kids. The little ones had a great time and us moms got in a much needed chat, I can't wait until next time!
Faith got to go to a sleep over with her cousin Zach at Tony's parents that night after we met Lana & Tammy at Arctic Circle (yep, fast food lunch and dinner that day). Faith got to make a cute Easter craft foam project, go to one of Zach's Junior Jazz games, and then play some Ski Ball at the arcade.

Here is my second digital scrapbooking layout:

I don't know if you can click on it for a larger version or not. Last time I said that, my mom pointed out that it didn't work! Anyway, I'm totally addicted to "digiscrapping" and am having a great time with my new hobby. I even made a PURCHASE and spent ACTUAL MONEY! Nine dollars and ten cents, and even though it killed me to do it, I love the kits I got. What is really amazing is how much neat stuff I've gotten for free!

Here is my adorable little sleepyhead.

With my camera doing worse and worse (now the internal battery won't stay charged) I've been taking less pictures, but

my friend Carolyn gave me a great idea that she saw on one of her friend's blogs. I think she called it a "blast from the past" or something like that. I thought it would be fun to put on some old photos and pages from my infamous old scrapbook.

I'm not exactly sure when this picture of Faith was taken, I guess my camera batteries had died and when I replaced them I forgot to set the date. The date on the picture (which I cropped out) had the year as 1994. I think it is from spring '03 and she is just younger than Christian is now.

And just to show that Faith wasn't always a complete angel, here is this one of her proudly displaying her artwork on her giant art pad . . . and the floor . . . and her hands & face!! She sure looks happy about it, I know that I was happy that the markers were Crayola washables ;)

And now on to the really embarassing stuff, an old scrapbook layout. Just to surprise all of you, I managed to find one not featuring our pets!!!!
Here are Tony and I at one of the only two high school dances I went to (both girl's choice). This spring formal was not fun, as we had to wait forever in a hot, claustro- phobic hallway for most of it just to get this picture. We did have a fun dinner at my house beforehand where little Joy waited on us and a video party at my friend Liz's afterward.
So, did you like this little trip down memory lane? Please leave your response, or any and all requests in the comments section (Mom--you just click your little mouse arrow on the word "comments" at the end of the post. You're welcome. He he!)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today Faith got to bring the "estimation jar" back to kindergarten. She already got a turn at the beginning of the school year, but now all the kids have done it and it's back to Faith. How it works is that the parent puts items that the kids can share (cereal, treats, raisins, straws, cotton balls, etc.) into the jar and the child estimates how many are in there. After finding out the answer and writing it in the notebook, they get to take it to school and have the class do the same. Go ahead and guess how many mini marshmallows are in there, the answer is at the end of the blog!

Last week when I was writing about Valentine's Day I forgot to put that Tony took me out to a nice dinner at Red Lobster on Saturday, the 16th. After Tony got home from work (he did a run to Grand Junction) he had his mom, dad and sister Tammy watch the kids and we went out on our date. It was so nice to dine alone, just the two of us!!

When I was cleaning out some files on my computer, I came across this picture which I had named "Sarah's baby maybe" because the hair so reminded me of her cute redheads.

I'd gotten it from an email that said a lady was making these edible marzipan sculptures of babies! I, of course, immediately snoped it (Snopes story of the email) and found out that they were not out of marzipan at all, but polymer clay. I went to the sculpter's website (here) and found that they range in price from $99 - $300 and up to $3000 for one-of-a-kind minis. So, completely out of my price range, but soooooo fun to look at in her gallery pictures.

On to my own not-so-serene-looking baby. Here he is in the middle of a temper tantrum, just before slapping himself in the face and throwing himself on the floor. I can't remember what started this one the other day, I probably took something away from him that he shouldn't have had. Well, he'll be all practiced up by the time he's two!!

Here the kids are enjoying some apples. However, their favorite snack lately is a GoGurt (yogurt packaged in a squeezable plastic tube)
that has been frozen. Cheerios, Goldfish crackers, juice pops, and carrots with ranch dressing are also very popular at our house.

I realized the other day that my blog was completely lacking in nudity, so I snapped this picture just before Christian got in the bath. I just love baby bums!! My friend Michelle said, back when her kids were babies, that they are so cute, you just want to bite them. (And the phrase "bite their bums" sounds even more adorable in her British accent!) I need to hurry and get one of those "nude baby, from behind, wearing his dad's cowboy boots and hat" pictures before he's old enough to be worried that one day I'll show the picture to his prom date--which we all know that I will :D

This morning I took Faith shopping for an Easter dress. My mom always gets her granddaughters Christmas and Easter dresses, a tradition which is one of Faith's favorites! She tried on a bunch, but between helping her change and trying to keep an eye on busy boy, I forgot to take pictures until we were about to leave.

The shop owner is going to see if she can order this hot pink one in Faith's size and get it here before Easter, and if not Faith may choose it in another color. She also loves the one above, but with a hot pink sash and pettals. She's sure a little princess!

Okay, here's the picture with notebook included. The jar held 88 mini marshmallows & Faith estimated that there were 100. She said that kids in her class were calling out estimations of 20, 30, 40 & 50. Good guess Faith!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Well, my nearly destroyed camera is hanging in there and managing to get some cute pictures of the kids. Unfortunately the settings inside are messed up and even after my efforts with a photo editor, the end results sometimes look a bit wierd. Also, Christian was playing with the camera and I forgot to clean the lens afterward so there are some blury shots. If the view screen was working I would have caught that!

I thought this picture was so cute of Faith! She's just growing up before my eyes.
Speaking of that adorable little stinker pot, he plugged up yet another toilet! He threw another toy into the kids' bathroom toilet and flushed it. Tony has yet to go through the rigamarole of taking the toilet apart to remove the obstruction. We finally decided that the kids' bathroom and the guest bath have to stay locked at all times and we will just use the master bath potty. The door to it sticks pretty bad so Christian can't get it open but the rest of us can. Tony also put a locking handle on the pantry door so we can keep him out of there as well. Here he is - CAUGHT! - playing at my computer.

Part of the problem is that he's too smart for his own good. Last week he brought me this little plastic chip (next to a penny for a size reference) and kept saying "Ho ho," "Ho ho." I was confused as to why this was a Ho ho when I finally figured out what it was. A week and a half before, a little plastic resin Santa figure had been dropped and shattered in the kitchen. This was a little piece of Santa's beard that Christian must have fished out from under the stove or fridge!! I'm surprised that he could remember the event and recognise what it was, and if he hadn't told me, I'm sure that I wouldn't have known.

Wednesday was the big windy snowstorm that caused so much trouble on the road, especially south and west of Salt Lake. It took Tony about six hours to drive from Springville back in to Con Way (which is just south of the Salt Lake Airport)!!!! He finally got home at half-past midnight, luckily safe and sound.

On Thursday evening, the kids and I went to my mom & dad's for a Valentine's pizza party. They always get my favorite--Chicken Garlic from Papa Murphys! Mom had balloons and some cute little gifts for the kids and Tony's mom & Tammy brought by some balloons and candy for them.

At home, Tony had stuffed bears and M&M's for the kids and these beautiful flowers for me (and Faith, who enjoys bouquets much more than I do). Unfortunately, he was too exhausted for much Valentine celebration because of the previous day's ordeal so he went to bed early.
I got the kids down and then settled down at the computer for a romantic evening with some Michael Buble music (which you could have heard on my blog between Feb. 19-25) and searching out digital scrapbooking freebies.

The next day Christian was having a blast with his balloons and we started up a game of chase which got him laughing. He sure loves those "boons"!!

Here is the darling paper kitty that Faith made for Christian's Valentine's Day gift. It's 3-D with the legs bent down and the tail bent up and has stripes down the back and legs. What an artist!

On Saturday morning around 11, I got a call from Joy that she thought she might be in labor and leaking amniotic fluid. I got ready and then waited for my mom to get to our house with Sierra. Just after noon Jordan called and said not to come yet, that Joy wanted to just labor in the car parked there in the hospital parking lot for awhile because it was quiet. Finally at 12:59 Jordan called to say they were going in to the hospital and I raced over there.

Joy said that when she checked in she was already 7-8cm dialated and I started doing Hypnobirthing techniques with her. With Sierra she had an epidural, but none of the medications they put in it helped at all and the anesthesiologist said that it was because of Joy's body chemistry. This time she didn't want one since it most likely wouldn't do any good and figured that counting on that pain relief last time and not getting it made going through labor immensely worse. Hypnobirthing helped to relax her so she could deal with the contractions.

It was so amazing! Joy did it without any drugs, just me talking her through self-hypnosis techniques. She looked like she was asleep most of the time, but was in a kind of trance, concentrating on relaxing every part of her body and letting it do it's work. Dr. Hall said to me, "I didn't know you were a doula." Of course I'm not, doula's are professional labor coaches, so it made me feel great that he thought I was doing a good job. I had taken a Hypnobirthing class when I was pregnant with Faith, but ended up getting an epidural and didn't do it myself.

After a few minutes of pushing and only a couple of loud grunts from Joy, Lilianna Celeste Savage arrived at about 3:15 pm (sorry, I forgot to ask the exact time of birth and had my back to the clock during the delivery). She weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. Dr. Hall said that it was the most controlled natural birth he had ever seen. Joy, you are AWESOME!!!

When my mom told Faith that Lily had been born, she ran over to the calendar she had made in school, wrote "Lily's Birthdae" on it and said "I will keep this calendar forever!" The next morning I took Faith to see her new baby cousin. She was so excited! While Faith was holding Lily, the nursery nurse came in to examine her. When the nurse handed the baby back to Faith she was crying, but settled right down in her cousin's arms. Faith was very proud of being so good with the baby!

Yesterday I made this, my first digital scrapbook layout!!

If you click on it then you can see a larger version. [edited to add: no you can't! For some reason you can see a larger version of the other pictures, but not this one. Maybe the file is too big. Sorry, mom--you were right!!!] I don't love it, but I think it came out allright. I did it as part of an online challenge where you look at a specific layout for inspiration and then make your own and display it on the website. The lack of journaling, interesting title placement, and swirly embellishment were all features "scaplifted" from the inspiration. The ripped part with the laces just came on the paper I had gotten as a freebie, but someday I hope to be able to make something like that. Of course the cutest part of this layout is the subject :)

Last night the kids and I went to help clean our church. Faith was such a good helper and only left her brother behind stuck in the women's restroom screaming and pounding on the door once!
Christian's favorite job was replacing the handprints that I was cleaning off the glass doors.
On the way home I stopped to get a picture of this beautiful sunset. I posted last time a picture taken out our back door, now this one taken less than a block west of our front door. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty!!

And now a final, classy picture to end this week's blog.

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by both Carolyn and Natalie now to do this, so I thought I'd better get going! I had to answer the following questions and then tag someone else.

10 years ago

We had been in our Clinton home just over a year (we moved in on Valentine’s Day 1997) and I was working as Assistant Manager at the Ogden Animal Shelter. Tony was driving truck over the road and was only home on the weekends, many of which we went fishing or camping in the Uintahs. We went to tons of movies and out to dinner all the time (I must say that I do miss that!). We had four pets: our cat Misty, Yorkie-Dutchess, German Shepherd-Smokey, and Yorkie-Crumpet. I had just gone off the Depo-Provera birth control shot so that I could get pregnant in the next year or two (but it just didn’t quite work out that way, of course). I had super long hair and Tony & I both wore glasses at the time. Things sure have changed!

Things on my "to do" list today

1. Read with the kids
2. Laundry
3. Clean the bathrooms (YUCK!)
4. Call my homebuilder to come fix a few things
5. Update my blog

What I would do with a billion dollars

1. Pay off the house.
2. Buy homes for all my & Tony’s sisters, brother and parents.
3. Tithing & lots of charities which help kids or animals
4. Get some serious plastic surgery
5. Buy a crazy cool computer with tons of memory, an awesome camera, and lots of digital scrapbooking supplies for my new addiction. :D

3 bad habits

1. Mindlessly snacking
2. Picking my zits
3. Watching too much TV

3 places I have lived

1. Ithaca, New York
2. St. Louis, Missouri
3. Ogden, Utah

5 jobs I have had

1. Kennel cleaner at Kendell Veterinary Hospital - shout out for poop scoopers! By the way, my sister, Sarah, took the job after I quit and did it for years.
2. Salesperson at Video Express
3. Hostess at El Matador
4. Adoption Supervisor at the Tiffany Adoption Center in the Ogden Animal Shelter
5. Dog groomer at Groomingdales

5 things people don’t know about me
*I’m such an open book that most of you reading this already know WAY more about me than you would ever want to, so this was very difficult. But I tried hard to think of some obscure facts so that maybe a few of you might learn something new!*

1. I’ve been vaccinated against rabies (when I was working at the animal shelter, and it cost the city like $1,200.00!!)
2. I absolutely LOVE gay guys.
3. In high school I took the National Latin test and scored in the top 2%, was on the debate team and competed in Extemporaneous Speaking, won an FHA (Future Homemakers of America) award for cooking an appetizer in a state competition, and one year was on the stage crew.
4. I have never broken a bone.
5. In general, I like bugs but am completely freaked out by earwigs and wasps.

I tag:

Rachel Hood, as soon as her little seven week old Gracie is feeling better from RSV. (We’re praying for you!)

Monday, February 11, 2008

My dad was sweet enough to take this picture of me last night so I could show what my hair looks like. I still need to get some new hair products, tools, and experience at styling it to get it to look right, but this will give you an idea.

Also, a few people have noticed that the older blog entries were missing and asked me to put them back on the page. They are not gone, just moved! I just lessened the number of posts that show by scrolling down the front page, but you can access past posts by using the dated links on the far right under "Blog Archive."

Thank you to everyone with sweet comments on the new look and on the slide show!