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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today Faith got to bring the "estimation jar" back to kindergarten. She already got a turn at the beginning of the school year, but now all the kids have done it and it's back to Faith. How it works is that the parent puts items that the kids can share (cereal, treats, raisins, straws, cotton balls, etc.) into the jar and the child estimates how many are in there. After finding out the answer and writing it in the notebook, they get to take it to school and have the class do the same. Go ahead and guess how many mini marshmallows are in there, the answer is at the end of the blog!

Last week when I was writing about Valentine's Day I forgot to put that Tony took me out to a nice dinner at Red Lobster on Saturday, the 16th. After Tony got home from work (he did a run to Grand Junction) he had his mom, dad and sister Tammy watch the kids and we went out on our date. It was so nice to dine alone, just the two of us!!

When I was cleaning out some files on my computer, I came across this picture which I had named "Sarah's baby maybe" because the hair so reminded me of her cute redheads.

I'd gotten it from an email that said a lady was making these edible marzipan sculptures of babies! I, of course, immediately snoped it (Snopes story of the email) and found out that they were not out of marzipan at all, but polymer clay. I went to the sculpter's website (here) and found that they range in price from $99 - $300 and up to $3000 for one-of-a-kind minis. So, completely out of my price range, but soooooo fun to look at in her gallery pictures.

On to my own not-so-serene-looking baby. Here he is in the middle of a temper tantrum, just before slapping himself in the face and throwing himself on the floor. I can't remember what started this one the other day, I probably took something away from him that he shouldn't have had. Well, he'll be all practiced up by the time he's two!!

Here the kids are enjoying some apples. However, their favorite snack lately is a GoGurt (yogurt packaged in a squeezable plastic tube)
that has been frozen. Cheerios, Goldfish crackers, juice pops, and carrots with ranch dressing are also very popular at our house.

I realized the other day that my blog was completely lacking in nudity, so I snapped this picture just before Christian got in the bath. I just love baby bums!! My friend Michelle said, back when her kids were babies, that they are so cute, you just want to bite them. (And the phrase "bite their bums" sounds even more adorable in her British accent!) I need to hurry and get one of those "nude baby, from behind, wearing his dad's cowboy boots and hat" pictures before he's old enough to be worried that one day I'll show the picture to his prom date--which we all know that I will :D

This morning I took Faith shopping for an Easter dress. My mom always gets her granddaughters Christmas and Easter dresses, a tradition which is one of Faith's favorites! She tried on a bunch, but between helping her change and trying to keep an eye on busy boy, I forgot to take pictures until we were about to leave.

The shop owner is going to see if she can order this hot pink one in Faith's size and get it here before Easter, and if not Faith may choose it in another color. She also loves the one above, but with a hot pink sash and pettals. She's sure a little princess!

Okay, here's the picture with notebook included. The jar held 88 mini marshmallows & Faith estimated that there were 100. She said that kids in her class were calling out estimations of 20, 30, 40 & 50. Good guess Faith!!

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