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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Saturday night Tony surprised me with . . . A NEW CAMERA!!! It's a Canon Elph with lots of bells and whistles so it should take great pictures. I've just started playing with it and figuring it out, but I think I will love it.

Last Tuesday, I got to babysit Sierra & baby Lily. Faith loves absolutely loves holding her and Christian was very interested, as well.


Faith drew this awesome Lepricon during art time at school on Friday. The most amazing thing is that she reproduced a nearly exact copy at Tony's parents' Sunday evening because she wanted to show them but had forgotten the original!

Here is Christian with my mom

and Tony's mom. He sure loves his grandmas!!

On Sunday we enjoyed an Irish feast that my dad made. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and colcannon (which was basically mashed potatoes with cabbage and seasoning). Yummy!!

Here is Faith modeling her St. Patrick's Day hair tutu that she wore on Monday.

Here is a pic of Christian & his kitty that didn't make the cut for the blog header. If only Misty would have cooperated better!

Here are the kids eating Chic-fil-A nuggets at the Layton mall food court yesterday.

And here they are sporting their new shades that we picked up at the mall.
Last night we watched our brand new copy of "Enchanted." We LOVE that movie!!! Even Christian payed attention to the parts with animals in them and did a little dancing during the musical numbers.

Here is a new scrapbooking layout I completed:

And here are some pages from my old scrapbook. A typical page (with our pets as the subjects) from 1997 showing our dogs enjoying our bed, which is where they all slept every night. I thought it was uncomfortable at the time, but I had not yet slept with KIDS!

And for the pièce de résistance, this gem preserving forever the proof of Tony & my being the biggest nerds ever. Some of you may have had bigger glasses, but I bet it was way before 1997! The cute baby is Sarah's oldest, Brendon.

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