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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I've had so much going on (and now I'm sick with a horrible cold) that I haven't posted all of the things I had planned! I want to start today with a "thankful" post that I meant to get up in time for Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for everything in my life!! Of course, the thing I am most thankful for is my family.

A few months ago, Oprah showed a YouTube video on her show about a couple who was pregnant with a baby that had trisomy 18 which is a birth defect that causes most babies who have it to be stillborn. Baby Eliot lived through birth and his parents celebrated every single day they had with their son. I hope we can all celebrate every day and remember how precious each one is.

(WARNING--do not watch this video at work, just before driving or operating dangerous machinery, or if you don't want to have a good, hard, cleansing cry. It truly is more uplifting than sad, but even Oprah and Celine Dion were doing the "ugly cry" after seeing it on the show that day.)

1 comment:

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

I hope that you feel better soon!!! I think that every parent should watch this video. I to saw it on Oprah and cried and cried. I only wish that I was as strong as that couple is. I hope that you guys had a great Thanksgiving. We need a playdate soon.......