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Monday, August 27, 2007

Christian learned to crawl down the steps last Monday! He has been going up for quite awhile, and we have been showing him how to go down on his tummy, but he finally braved it and can handle them all by himself now. Also, quite a few times this week we have seen him standing unsupported. When HE notices that he's standing up by himself, he quickly grabs on to whatever he is standing by or sits down, but we still think he's a big boy!
On Tuesday, Grandma & Grandpa Braegger took Faith and her cousin, Zach, out to breakfast and to the mall for a fun outing before school starts. Zach started the 22nd and Faith's first day is the 29th! I can't believe she is so big already :(

Faith's obsession is 'High School Musical 2" and we have been watching it at least once a day since it came out Friday before last. At this point I know not only the words to the songs, but the dance mooves as well! (her favorite guy in the film is the one with the afro on the left)
On Thursday my friend Ann came over for a play date with her kids Brody, Ella, Lilly & Kynan. We had a blast!
On Friday evening, we went to a baby shower for my dad's half sister, Holly. She had her baby boy, Owen, a couple of months ago but was on bed rest before he was born and then we waited for my aunt Sandra to get back from China to have the shower. It was a lot of fun chatting with Holly, her mom, Sue, her sister, Jill and my cousins Hillary, Lynette, Sandy & Sarah who I don't get to see very often.

Saturday morning Faith made blueberry muffins for breakfast. Tony even got a quick bite before he went out to work all day on the sprinklers. I feel so bad for that guy, he's working himself to death! At least the end is in sight.

On Sunday at mom & dad's we celebrated my brother, Eric's and my Grandpa Quinn's birthdays which both are on Aug. 27th, the same day as Tony's sister Tina's!!!

Eric will be 28 this year (and a very eligible bachelor with a great job and nice house), Grandpa's 82 (he says that at this point in his life he doesn't buy green bananas :D) and Tina will be 41 (I know she'll LOVE seeing her age announced).
Have a great week everyone! We will be busy with school, a birthday, and hopefully some sod.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Another exciting installment is here! Tony has been enjoying his new route delivering to the Logan area. He has to be to work at 6:30 am and doesn't usually get off until 8 pm and sometimes later. Not only has he been working tons of overtime, he has been working his butt off trying to get the sprinkling system in. At least the temperature was better this weekend than last.

On Monday, Joy and Sierra came over for a visit. We had lots of fun with them--here is Sierra pushing Christian in his car.

On Tuesday, Tammy took us, Tina & her son Zach to the zoo for her 40th birthday party! It was insanely hot, but we all still had a lot of fun. I think Christian loved it the most, he was too little to notice the animals when we took him for the first time in the early spring, but this time he took it all in.

Some favorite animals were the white alligator "The Ghost of the Bayou," the elephants, and the rhinoceros which was right up to the window eating hay. Christian loved the rhino so much that he kept waving to it and cried when we moved on.

That evening we were pretty wiped out and were just hanging out playing with the T.V. on in the background. A show called "L.A. Ink" came on and we found ourselves watching. I know, I know, I'm probably a bad mom for letting my daughter watch a show about a tatoo parlor, but I used it as an opportunity to talk to her about what I DON'T want her to do. Faith decided that she would only want one if it washed off and didn't involve needles, and here is the result of her artwork.

Faith's favorite activity is playing video games with her dad. As late as he gets home, he promised her one game a night. They play Halo, football, or crash-up derby and Faith loves it when her dad lets her win. In this picture Misty seems to be interested as well :)

On Friday I finished decorating Christian's shelves and changed the pictures out in the ark frame. I'll have to show the new ones next time, but for now look at the teeny tiny Faith!!! Tony and I hardly remember her being so little!

By Friday evening, Christian had finally figured out how to move his car himself with his feet. Faith was riding this three-wheeler around the house all week and that night kept crashing into Christian and making him squeal with laughter.

Here is Joy with her adorable 3 month baby bump and dad with his little buddy. Every Sunday we visit Tony's parents and eat dinner at my mom & dad's where we meet up with my brother & sisters and my mom's parents. It's so fun to visit and I love that the cousins are so close!

In my ongoing series of house pictures, here is our playroom which is in the bonus room over the garage. I LOVE having a playroom where toys can be out and messy and you can't see it from the rest of the house.

'Til next time!

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's been a busy week! Let's start off with a crazy bath picture. I was posing Faith so I could get a picture without too much showing and she told me she had an idea. She used foam tub letters to cover her "bubs" and I thought it was hilarious!

The pictures above are from a week ago Friday, the 3rd. Mom and Dad took the kids to Lagoon and I met up with them later after Tyler (Tony's sister Tina's middle boy) had put in the forms for our concrete patio. When I got there, Christian was enjoying a cup of ice after dinner at Arby's in Pioneer Village with his grandpa. Faith rode lots of rides with her cousins (both my sisters were there with their families) and even escorted Sierra (my youngest sister Joy's daughter) around the park for awhile. That's Faith holding on to her for dear life in line for a ride in the picture on the right. It was a lot of fun, especially after it cooled off about 8:30 pm. I'm glad I missed the first few hours!

On Saturday morning, Tyler came with his buddies to put in the patio. He got us an awesome deal so we did a 16 foot by 50 foot pad. HUGE! Someday we would like to put a deck over the South end and I wanted room for a table or two plus a sitting area with a fire bowl plus space to put the inflatable ring swimming pool on the North end.

On Tuesday, Christian wanted a go at feeding himself. I thought he did pretty well gettting the food to his face, and he even got some in his mouth!

On Wednesday we had a guy come over and grade our lot. He did a good job and charged far less than anyone else we contacted so we were very happy with it. Still, we have a million rocks so here is Tony with a wheelbarrow full he just raked out.

Also, Wednesday was Crumpet's 12th birthday! We gave her a bath so she could be clean and pretty and Faith made her a gift. It was a little paper heart tag for her collar, and she even constructed a cute little gift box! (it's in the center bottom of the photo)

On Friday we watched "Princess Diaries" and Faith loved one of the final scenes where the cat, Fat Louie, was wearing a crown. Well, Misty just needed a crown of her own! The next day, Misty s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out on the carpet and took in some sun :D

On Saturday Tony rented a trencher and he and the neighbors took turns digging the ditches for sprinkler systems. I felt so bad for him, it was so hot outside and that machine is so difficult to maneuver! But, at least he got the trenches dug this weekend and now he will be working on laying the pipe.

I hurried and took some pictures of the house this morning since I've been promising them, but I really need to clean today so I only took a few. Above is the entryway and our house plan.

Here are a few of the nursery, I just got the shelves and curtains up.

Here is one of the back of the Kitchen with a little bit of the island in the foreground.

Sorry so long, but yesterday Tina, Tony's sister, chewed me out for not updating more often so I thought I would put lots of pictures in. Her oldest boy, Jason, has joined the Army so we had a farewell dinner last night before he leaves for boot camp. Remember him in your prayers!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Unfortunately, we've had a relapse of the stomach flu :( Luckily it only lasted one day and today we are feeling much better. We found someone to do the final grading on our yard and he will be here on Wednesday. With our patio being poured this weekend and that set up, I have some hope that our yard will be in by the end of August. If it's in by the 28th we get our $500 yard deposit back. Can you believe that the covenants require the front yard to be in within 60 days of closing on the house?!?

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On to the pictures! I updated the picture of our house on the right to one with the garages closed. Soon I will get some pictures of the inside posted (I need to get around to taking them first!)

Here is a picture taken July 20th of Faith's first missing tooth-

This is from July 28th. Christian crawled into the pantry, got out my giant mixing bowl and decided to sit in it! Of course he climbed out before I could get my camera (isn't that always the way it goes), but Faith helped me stage a recreation for the picture ;)

Here's one from July 30th. Christian had been crying but couldn't resist hamming it up for the camera! Even though he looks a little red and puffy, I thought it was still a cute pic and you can even see five of his seven teeth in it.

This one is from Tuesday. Faith set up the little kitty table and plastic chairs in the family room and fed Christian lunch at her little "cafe." I can't believe how big they both are getting! My sister, Sarah, has a great idea--babies should come with an "off button." You really don't want them to be newborns forever, I mean you have to get sleep at SOME point, but if you could just love the heck out of them for a few days, turn them off and get some rest, and then go back to having fun with them, it would last longer and you could be "with it" enough to truly enjoy them. ;)

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I guess that's it for now . . . check back in a week or so for my next installment!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome to our brand new blog!! I've wanted one for some time now to keep family and friends updated and to share some of my favorite pictures.
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The picture above is just a little outdated, it's from May (gotta upload the pics from my camera!). I'm going to work on getting some nice pictures of our new house to share with everyone. Of course, the stars of this blog will always be the ADORABLE kids!!!

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The main things we have been doing lately are unpacking, painting (and painting, and painting . . . ) and enjoying our new home. Faith lost her first tooth followed quickly by her second and the space in the bottom front of her mouth is being quickly filled by her permanent teeth already coming in! Christian has been cruising around the furniture and finding all of the trouble he can get into in our new space. He loves our new house, but misses his Grandpa Peterson like crazy.

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We are definately settling in now and love to have visitors, so please stop by!