Christian is usually at Faith's mercy when it comes to playing dress up and he happily puts up with whatever she wants him to wear, but on April 10th, he put his own artistic fashion sense to work. This is the first time I've seen him create his very own ensemble! Soon wearing purses around the neck, hanging between the legs will be all the rage.
The kids were playing basketball in the playroom later that day and I got this cool shot. There are two balls in motion (look for the second one under the net) and Faith's arms look almost nonexistent in the sleeves!
On the 12th, we went to Sarah & Brad's house for Noah's 2nd birthday party. The kids played "pin the balloon on the fire truck,"
a game where they sprayed cups over with the hose (and Faith won first place!), and an obstacle course where they had to go through a tunnel, step in multiple hoola hoops, then climb a small step ladder to rescue a stuffed kitty from a tree and then back.
Here is my youngest sister Joy's husband, Jordan, cheating by tossing the tunnel over his head and then pushing it down his body.
Noah got this awesome teeter-totter from his mom and dad. Here Faith and Celeste are enjoying it.
And, as usual, Sarah's cake was amazing!
We also enjoyed another Lagoon trip that weekend.
Tammy took Faith and Tony took Christian on the new ride "The Odysea". It's kind of like the Dumbo ride at Disneyland in that you're in little animals (I guess they are actually fish shaped boats or submarines or something like that) which you can move up and down with a control stick. The difference is that there are animals around the outside that spit streams of water and you can try to miss them to stay dry, or the opposite when it gets hot outside. Faith steered her "craft" and ended up with a soggy head, but Tammy was lucky and the water missed her!
Faith recently learned how to blow bubblegum bubbles and now she is doing it constantly! I can find where she is in the house by listening for the popping sounds!!!
Here is annother game of "swimming", this time with Dolphy Dolphin.
Here is a tired Buddy being snuggled by his sister.
We went up to the condo on the 18-20th. We did some shopping, went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays, and had lots of fun with Grandma & Grandpa and Sarah's family.
Here are the kids enjoying a little ride outside at the outlet mall.
Christian loves stuffing his face beyond capacity. Even if I break the item up into little bites, he just stuffs them all in at once.
April 20th was Tony's 37th birthday and that evening after getting back from the condo, we went over to his mom & dad's and Tammy made him a cake.
Here is my cutie who wanted her hair up in a towel "like mom." She's getting so grown up (but not as grown up as she thinks she is!!!)
And here are the kids on the 22nd playing their new favorite game: school. Faith makes the cutest papers for Christian to color and then she helps him do addition & subtraction problems, spelling, and cutting & pasting. She's a great teacher!!