Overall, we were not impressed this year and the kids were sad that we missed the Logan one.
I had been telling the kids for a week that all I wanted was for them to clean up a bit, but they didn't care to do any of it. That morning I waited in bed to see if either of them wanted to bring me breakfast in bed (or even just a ready-to-drink protein shake), but when they finally woke up, they just ate cereal and made a mess of the kitchen and family room. I didn't even get a "happy Mother's Day."
I tried to hold it together, but started bawling while getting ready for church. Not really mad at the kids, just more disappointed in myself that I raised them to be so ungrateful :( I eventually got over it.
The decorations were also really fun. I loved this Lightpost made into a palm tree, complete with brown balloon coconuts!
There was lots of line and partner dancing. Here's Faith with two of her dance partners. They also did water balloon volleyball.
In addition to all the baseball and softball we've been doing, we've had soccer as well. Here's buddy on the 17th after a game.
Later that day was their spring piano recital. Faith wasn't feeling well and nearly missed it, but I pushed her to come into the church where it was being held for just her song, and she pulled through like a trooper. They both did such a great job!
May 20th we were at the Layton ballfield by Surf and Swim for another of Faith's games. Christian's favorite activity during the half hour of practice time before the game is walking the trails by the creek there. Here's an artistic shot we took on the bridge :)
On the 22nd my mom and dad came to see her play.
We got creative for memorial day breakfast on the 26th. Here we have Taste Treat Delight (doctored up cream of wheat cereal with eggs, butter, and brown sugar, with crushed graham crackers on the bottom) with a topping of whipped cream and strawberry/blue decorator sugar/star sprinkles!
We finally picked up our garden plants from J&J nursery. We loved this display of patriotic Americana! Christian decided to wrestle for the picture.
On the 28th I volunteered at the sixth-grade water party. We did a relay race where the kids, while blindfolded, had to pour water from one cup to the next,
and another where the kids had to pass a topic what sponged from feet to feet, over their heads.
May 29th was field day, and because I'm a glutton for punishment, I was volunteering again. This day I helped with the water relay where the kids soaked a sponge in water, ran to a bucket and squeezed it out, then ran the sponge back to their teammate. The team to fill their bucket the most in a set amount of time, won. Christian had field day in the morning and I was only able to volunteer in the afternoon due to work, so here is Faith, going for gold!
The 30th was the last day of school.
Faith had a sixth-grade graduation program and my parents, Tony's parents and Tammy came. They had speakers from the D.A.R.E. program, which they were also graduating from, and lots of fun songs.
My little girl isn't so little anymore!
She adored her teacher this year, Mrs. Austin.
That evening, Tony was so excited to find this official Pittsburgh NFL football on our back patio. Our neighbor's cute little niece must have been playing with it and left it there.
Tony went over to their house and asked if Stevenson would sign this football for him. He said, "Of course!" and then Tony said, "Well, actually it's yours." :D