Last year, on super "after Christmas sale" online, I ordered an Elf on the Shelf." Christian hoped he would visit us from the North Pole when the holidays finally rolled around again.
It was a l - o - n - g , torturous wait (for him), but on December 1st our little guy finally appeared!
Dec. 2nd - he toilet papered our family room Christmas tree
Dec. 3rd - he was in the master bathroom where he'd written "Hi" on the mirror with toothpaste
Dec. 4th - he was in the kitchen drinking syrup out of the bottle with a straw
Dec. 5th - he copied himself on our printer!
Dec. 6th - he decorated the Barbie castle with twinkle lights and was lounging on the couch in there
Dec. 7th - he had a fishing pole made out of a chopstick with a paper clip hook, and was "fishing" in our Beta fish Leo's bowl. I'm so sad that I forgot to get a photo of it!
Dec. 8th - he was sitting on the server behind the couch with an X-box controller and games strewn on the floor in front of the TV
Dec. 9th - he was in the freezer, probably because he missed his cold home town. Didn't Christian capture him perfectly in the artwork on the previous post?
Dec. 10th - he mischievously drew all over our family photos with dry erase marker
Dec. 11th - he was hard to find, on his tummy behind a picture on top of Faith's armoire, and he had a stack of cards with silly Christmas jokes on them
Dec. 12th - another day I forgot to snap a picture! This time he was sledding down our railing on a Tupperware lid
Dec. 13th - he was hanging out in the shower with a wash cloth on his head
Dec. 14th - he was riding the pine cone reindeer in my bedroom
Dec. 15th - he was hanging out above the potty in the half bath off the family room. I think Buddy was too embarrassed to use that bathroom on that day!
Dec. 16th - he was in my front room office, embracing the Buddha I inherited from Grandpa Quinn
Dec. 17th - he was waiting to take a ride in the Jeep Liberty
Dec. 18th - he was on the new credenza in between our entry hall and kitchen, holding the baby Jesus from the olive wood nativity Grandma Tesch had gotten on her trip to the Holy Land
Dec. 19th - he was trying to roast a marshmallow on our electric fireplace
Dec. 20th - he was in our master bedroom blinds
Dec. 21st - he had zip-lined with a mini candy cane down from the loft and into the family room tree
Dec. 22nd - he had apparently been driving around in Buddy's remote control truck
Dec. 23rd - he was hiding in my closet, encircled by glow stick bracelets
Dec. 24th - he was hanging from the chandelier
That night he left a note (instead of Santa, who usually does it but was running behind and didn't have time to) saying that the kids could do better at minding us and not throwing fits, but were still good enough to get their gifts.
Good-bye, Hermie! We loved your magical visit this year and look forward to your return.