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Thursday, December 30, 2010

August 2010

On August 3rd we had Ann and her kids over for a playdate. This picutre got 6 of the 7 kids and what they were up to at the time :)

On the 5th we made another visit to our favorite restaurant, 'Mo Bettah Steaks.

We thought we'd try out some chopsticks.

I got this photo just after we pulled up to my mom & dad's on August 8th--Crumpet's 15th birthday!

This is from the 9th. When we go to the city offices or the library the kids like to play in this fountain that pops out of a giant boulder.

For some reason I thought my makeup looked pretty good on the 10th, so I took my own picture.

The 11th was a fun day. Natalie brought her kids over to play including her new little man, Wyatt!!! What a precious little guy. Ann's daughter, Ella, is getting to hold him here.

On August 12th we went to our final Syracuse Theater cheap summer movie--"How to Train Your Dragon". We'd already seen it, but the kids loved it and couldn't wait to go again! We had to wait in line for quite awhile to get a seat (we tried the day before and didn't get in) so I took pictures of Faith's new school clothes and Sketcher light up shoes.

After the movie we made a trip to Walmart next door. Buddy did one of those claw games near the entrance and won this snazzy mustache!

Here are the kids picking veggies in the garden on the 16th.

We had an especially lazy morning that day, here the kids are playing Lego Batman.

On the 19th we used a coupon to try out Sugar Daisy Bakery here in Kaysville. Unfortunately, we weren't impressed :(

But next we went someplace that is always awesome: Kaysville Farmer's Market! The kids got to plant beans, and we bought green beans and an Israel melon. It was described as a super sweet cantaloupe type melon and it did not disappoint! Unfortunately, Faith's soccer practice made it so we arrived after they had sold out the rest of the fall. Next year getting more is our top priority!

On the 20th the kids helped make cinnamon roll pancakes. Yummy!

Christian had drawn this the Sunday before in pirmary. He showed it to me and I remarked, "Oh, how cute! What a nice family tree." to which he replied, "no that's just a tree with a monster chopping it down!"

On the 21st we went to Clinton Elementary to pick up our Bountiful Basket because the Kaysville location was sold out by the time I ordered. After loading our heavy produce into the car, we went to Great Harvest for breakfast.

By that time it was after 9 a.m. so we stopped by Fresh Market to visit uncle Eric in the pharmacy. We even got to go behind the counter and watch him count out a prescription!

Here's our haul: romaine lettuce, broccoliflour, red peppers, corn, European cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, bananas, grapefruit, canteloupe, mangoes, and teeny-tiny "champagne grapes" which were so awesome we had them eaten before noon! They were very sweet and burst in your mouth.

Here is Faith's first day of school on August 23rd. I had to take her because I had PTA membership work to do.

We borrowed this "Your Big Backyard" kids' magazine (by the National Wildlife Federation) from the library and really enjoyed it. Christian showed me this picture on the back cover one day and asked, "You fink dis wion cub is cute?" (translation: Do you think this lion cub is cute?) I responded that I thought it was really cute and he exclaimed, "You not fink it's so cute when it sinks it's raisin sharp teef in your arm!!"  I about died laughing!

I took this pic on the 24th to document Faith's interesting style sense.

Her first soccer game on the 28th. Their jerseys are a cool, eyeball searing, neon salmon. Depending on the light they either look orange or pink.

Buddy has been enjoying the two wheeler (+ training wheels) that he got from Santa!

The kids helped me decorate a "dinosaur island" birthday cake for Christian's fourth birthday. It came out really cool! It had sparkly lava and sparkly blue waterfall, palm trees, dinosaurs, and even a flying Pteranodon on a wire above the volcano. We took it to the grandparents' houses for his party on the 29th (since it was a Sunday and the family would be gathered) even though his real birthday wasn't until September 1st.

Tammy's table display with gifts from her and Tony's parents:

And the cool balloons!

At my mom & dad's we also celebrated Grandpa Quinn's and Eric's birthdays which are on the 28th.

Someone's happy about getting to open presents!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

end of July

On July 25th we were treated to a performace by the Pink Pandas!

That night we went to a free show at Lagoon called "Cirque Innosta: L'orage". It was so amazing!! Click here to see someone's video from the show. A guy sitting behind us was also videoing, so it was kind of funny when Christian, not too quietly, asked during the contortionist segment, "Mom, why her in her nudie?"

It was too dark to take any pics of it, but I did get one of Tony & Buddy getting in a quick ride. Unfortunately, Faith had to use the restroom right after the show and all the rides were closed by the time we got back.

On the 27th we went to Farmington library for a free magic show with Christopher Fair. It was awesome and Christian even got to drop invisible coins in the can!

We roasted some s'mores on the 28th since I forgot the marshmallows when we were camping!

Here is our first zuchini on the 29th.

We went to Park City later that day. Here is a cute treasure hunt that mom did for the kids on the 30th. The boys (together) got a bottle with a puzzle inside and so did the girls.
The assembled puzzle was the first clue, and they soon found their treasure chests!

The morning of the 31st Grandpa took all the kids on his daily walk to the convenience store for his newspaper. They stopped by the fire station which is on the way and got a really great tour.

That afternoon we went to the alpine slide. Faith rode by herself and Buddy rode with Grandpa. The Pink Pandas had their public debut while we were waiting in line :)

That night we went to dinner at the Red Banjo on Main Street in Park City. It's very tiny in there and the kids ended up being at a separate table, across from the adults. It was a long wait for food, but the kids quietly entertained themselves. Halfway through our meal, an older couple from the table in front of us came over and said, "Those are the best behaved children I've ever seen!" I absolutely had to commemorate the moment with a photograph in the likely event that this is never repeated.

Quick story about the Red Banjo: when Faith was a tiny baby, Tony and I came to Park City with Tammy. We were sitting at the table in the bay window in front of the restaurant and had a lovely meal while we watched passersby on Main Street. Faith needed to nurse, so I used my handy-dandy nursing blanket (like the Hooter Hider or Udder Cover, but not as stylish. Every nursing mom must get one--it was my favorite thing ever!) As I sat there chatting, Tony finally looked up from his food and said, "Uh, Em, your boob is totally hanging out." I have no idea how long before that Faith decided she was done, unlatched and pulled the blanket aside, but luckily it was just at the busiest spot in Park City, in a bay window with views from three sides, and lit up like a Christmas display. My one and only public stripping experience. So far, anyway :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

I sent the following photo of my fantasy Halloween costume, but several people said that the picture didn't work, so I had to post it here! I said that though I may be 200 lbs too heavy to wear this Elana from Vampire Diaries costume: 

I would still find a way to rock it if it came with the two most important accessories ;)  The subject was "Not safe for work, children under 21, or anyone with a heart condition" of course! Click the picture for the full sized version. ENJOY!!!!

p.s. for anyone who actually watches Vampire Diaries--I would want to be Katherine pretending to be Elana, except that the boys both hate her now :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dad's Clam Chowder recipe

This is amazing stuff! I usually add extra bacon and mushrooms and never use the clam juice.


Dad's Clam Chowder
5 strips bacon
1 1/4 sticks butter
8 oz. mushrooms, sliced
med. onion, chopped
1/2 c. celery, chopped
garlic powder
8 oz. clam juice (or water)
6-6 oz. cans of chopped or minced clams
6 med. potatoes, peeled and cut in 1/2 inch cubes
1 1/2 qts. heavy cream
hot sauce
dried thyme
1 T. lemon juice
1 T. Worcestershire
1 t. salt
dried parsley
2 T. flour
2 T. cornstarch
1 c. milk
seasoned salt
chicken boullion powder

In a large pot cook bacon until done, but not crisp; set aside and chop when cool. To bacon drippings, add 1 stick butter, mushrooms, onion, celerey and garlic powder; saute until soft. Add clam juice (or water), the juice from the cans of clams (but not the clams themselves), lemon juice and a dash of hot sauce. Add potatoes, bring to a boil and let simmer 6 minutes. In a separate pan, melt 1/4 stick butter, then add flour and cook 2 minutes. Shake cornstarch and milk together in a jar and add to flour mixture. Cook and stir until thickened, then add to pot. Add clams, bacon, cream, a sprinkle of thyme, Worcestershire, salt, a dash of pepper, and some parsley. Simmer for 15 minutes (do not boil), then if needed add seasoned salt, boullion and extra hot sauce to taste.

Monday, October 25, 2010

This is one beautiful homage to cakes that truly suck. Please to enjoy:

Not already!!!

When I went to use the computer this evening, I found the following document, yet to be printed (and surely not meant for my eyes ;)

Faith's Spencer Letter

On the plus side, I love her spelling, formatting and use of fonts!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween kid crafts

I was going through my favorites folder of Halloween stuff to give some ideas for a class party craft, so I decided to share what I found! Pictures are linked, so just click on the ones you're interested in and you'll be whisked away to the blog I stole the image from ;)  [tip for my less computer savvy friends and mother--if you right-click on the picture and select "open in a new tab" then it won't take you away from this page]

Ariel's Sea Spiders

Ghostwriter Halloween Craft

Furry Bat Halloween Deocration

Flapping Bat Halloween Decoration

Awesome Arachnids

Halloween Kids Crafts Finger Puppets

Goofy Frankenstein Puppet Craft

Halloween treat bags

Haunted House Luminary

Sweet As Candy

Pumpkin Candle
(with clear plastic disposable cup inside instead of glass jar)
(and battery operated candle instead of real)

Finished bat craft

Tie thread to a plastic object.

Floating Ghost Halloween Craft