On October 27th, I took the kids to Black Island Farms for their fall-themed "agritainment" and had a ton of fun. We got there just after 5:30 and the weather was about 70 degrees, perfect for hay slides!
Christian got pretty good at climbing up the haybales with the web-like rope ladder on the back of the slides, although I did need to help him up this monster:

The corn sandbox was a giant hit again, this year. I don't know how long they played in it, but it seemed like forever standing there for me!

You can almost make out the kids in this jack-o-lantern bounce house picture. I spent another eternity waiting outside of this.
Finally, Joy and her family arrived. Sierra loved doing everything with her cousin, Faith. The kids played in this corn husk tunnel, and Faith went through the kiddie corn maze with Joy's family while I took Christian on the train again several more times.
The kids ate their dinner of hot dogs ($3!!!) sitting in front of the bonfire, which was nice and warm even though the temperature had plummetted. We also enjoyed pig races, a magic show, and seeing the animals. Christian even got to feed a calf some crushed corn out of his hand, which is still spoken of by him with tremendous excitement to this day. Can't wait 'til we get to go again next year!

On the 29th we carved our pumpkins. Christian LOVED the pumpkin guts and Faith designed and carved one of hers entirely by herself.

October 30th was Faith's class Halloween party. I somehow ended up in charge of it and had the kids make some accordian folded bats and tissue paper ghosts at my center. I was a little surprised to find out that it had to end 20 minutes early becase one of the student's grandpa had flown in from Hawaii and was a professional ukulele player, but it just added to the fun.
Here is the proof: a happy class at the end!

In additon to the crafts, we had two games, story time, and a treat where they had donuts and root beer while they waited to get their faces painted. Mrs. Crow, who did the painting, was an amazing artist!!

That evening, there was a very unfortunate accident. Gladly, Christian didn't smash his face up, as it appears in this photo. He found the red Halloween lip gloss and expertly applied some, then stuck his bottom lip out in a pout when I took said lip gloss away. Luckily, he was left with no visable scars ;)
Halloween morning, we went to a wonderful party at Ann's house. Somehow I managed to FORGET MY CAMERA *gasp*. You'll have to check us out on Natalie's blog, and you better hurry because she's going private soon. If you love to stalk her blog even though you don't know her, and only follow the link to it from my blog, just comment here with your email and Nat would be happy to invite you!
We went straight from the party to Chuck-a-rama for lunch with mom & dad, my grandma, my aunt, uncle and Sarah's family. Christian, of course, made my dad change tables and sit by him.
That night, we went out trick-or-treating in our neighborhood
just after 6 p.m. It was warm (over 70 I think) and Christian was absolutely enamored by the idea of everyone giving him candy. I was surprised that they tired out so quickly, Faith requested that we return home and go on over to Braeggers at about a quarter to seven! I am glad that they didn't get too much candy, though, since they'd already gotten so many Halloween treats that month.

It's hard to see in the picture, but my mom made Faith the most darling treat bag. It's black with feather boa trim around the top, and had a ribbon with some cut pins on it, including a light up skull. A diva bag for a diva girl!
We headed over to Tony's parents and on the way, Chirstian fell asleep. Tony just carried him up to Tammy's bed and he slept the rest of the night
away, worn out little guy! We enjoyed some homemade chili, cornbread and cupcakes, and then Tony took Faith out trick-or-treating around their nighborhood for a little while.

I was supposed to make Crumpet a bat costume (according to Faith), but it never came to be. Instead, I saw this bat headband which even lights up and thought we could attach it somehow to her harness. That never really came to be, either, so Faith wanted to at least get this picture with Crumpet "wearing" it. Maybe she'll be costumed out next year!

The next day, November 1st, was Faith's birthday!! We took our little seven-year-old to Lagoon at her request. We didn't remember Lagoon ever being open after Halloween before, so Faith felt pretty special this year.

The kids played in the water,
rode lots of rides, and loved that there were no lines.
I love this picture of them waiting, only for the kids from the last ride to exit. Faith is so serious and Christian is climbing the bars and being crazy. It truly captures who they are!

The weather was perfect and warm, and the trees in kiddie land were dressed up in their birthday party best.
The lines were so short that we were finally able to do "Spook-A-Boo" where the kids get to go through little rooms with different themes (set up where the baby bumper car ride usually is) and collect candy in a bag. Christi
an was TOTALLY into these gummy-candy fangs and just asked for more just yesterday. Next year I'll have to find them and stock up =-)

Tony got this pic as we were speeding past on the merry-go-round. Faith is obviously not prepared for a picture and I'm pointing out Tony to Christian.
We topped off the day with a visit to Krispy Kreme. Faith is seen here wiggling her loose tooth which she lost two days later. Yesterday (three days after that) she lost the one on the other side! I'll have to get a pic of her holey smile.

By the way, how come there weren't any comments from offended people for the blog about Christian's birthday after I made an inappropriate remark about Tammy and party supplies? Not even Tammy? Is no one reading the commentary that I write? Too distracted by my adorable children to notice? Everyone who knows me just expects such inappropriateness, and maybe even thinks that I actually show some restraint on this thing? Something to ponder ;)
Some things she got: giant pony coloring book, Hello Kitty wallet with a WalMart gift card inside, a set of Pony in my Pocket, satiny pj's, earrings, a little horse box, and a High School Musical shirt.
At my mom and dad's, she opened: dog trainer Barbie, an alarm clock, a puzzle, a cool ant farm, a Bobby Jack sweat outfit, and a Hannah Montana blue hair streaker stick.