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Thursday, August 9, 2012

June 2012

Even though his end of preschool party was the night before, June 1st was Christian's last day of preschool.

He had so much fun carpooling all year with Kaisia and Kindia!

June 4th was the beginning of Tony's early spring vacation from work. We started the week with a tour of Sweets candy factory with Tammy. They wouldn't allow cameras inside, so I missed out on a great pic of us with our attractive hair nets and Tony's additional beard net :)

After our tour, Tammy took her leave and our family went swimming at Clearfield Aquatic Center for the first time. It was really fun! For dinner, we got takeout ribs and onion rings from Chili's.

On the 5th we went to the zoo with Tammy, Tina, Zach and Liam.

The new area for the otters, sea lions and polar bear was awesome!

Can you believe how big these guys are getting???

We had a really fun time and we wore the kids out so thoroughly that they both slept all the way to Farmington.

When we got to the zoo it was perfect weather, but by the time we left it was starting to get cloudy and cold, so we stopped off for some hot soup at Zupa's.

On the 6th we went with Tammy, Tina and Zach to the Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life.

We ate at the deli there at Thanksgiving Point. They have amazing pesto chicken pasta salad! Tammy even got us some beautiful mini berry tarts. They were delicious, but almost too beautiful to eat. Unfortunately, my picture of Christian eating his came out extremely blurry :(

On June 8th we headed up into the Uintas with our Skittles for some fishing. There was still some snow on the ground at our favorite--Butterfly Lake.

Faith found this stick for our fire that looks just like her initial!

My firebugs were in heaven playing with our great campfire.

We didn't catch any fish (not even a bite!), but we still had a delicious dinner of Hormel Wranglers with Cheese hot dogs and roasted marshmallows.

Faith is showing off some of the pretty wildflowers in the mountains. Skittles loves it up there, too!

After a little more fishing, and still no luck, the kids built little boats out of tree bark, sticks for masts and leaves for sails. We had a wonderful time!

On the 9th we went to R.C. Willey's in search of a new couch for our family room. Our 15 year old set has seen better days and we found this one with power recliners that thrilled the kids and Tony. I'm okay with it--this purchase was all about comfort and not style for me :)

 We had to wait until the13th for it to be delivered, but we're finally enjoying it!

We got a sad call from my mom on the 8th when we were driving back from our fishing trip. My grandpa, Ben Quinn had passed away. We had been expecting it since they gave him 3-6 months to live four years ago, but it was still a blow to us. He was always my special buddy and his humor always brightened my day. He chose to be cremated and didn't want a funeral, so there was just a graveside service on June 15th.

It was short and sweet, just like he wanted, and his friends and family shared some funny stories about him. We then had a very nice luncheon at the church where the kids got to play and I got to hang out with my aunt Charlotte, whom I adore.

I need to scan in some of my grandpa's pictures so I have decent copies of them, but for now here is a picture of the pictures displayed there.

These are some of my absolute favorite. He went in fifteen years or so ago to get some professional pictures of himself. He went somewhere like a Glamour Shots type place and got a package with several poses included. He liked the first two they took of him, so he didn't know what to do for the other poses. That's when he spotted the hard hat and had the idea to take some joke "beefcake" photos with his shirt off! I love these so much because they reflect his personality, always teasing :) Plus, he's such a great-looking guy! His full name is Ransom Ben Quinn and he didn't get the nickname "Handsome Ransom" for nothing!!

On the 18th we didn't have anything special planned, so that afternoon we stuck Skittles in her travel purse and went to Fresh Market grocery store. We bought three of the mini ice cream cups and sampled all the flavors while watching t.v. in my bed. How's that for a lazy summer day?

That's all the pictures I had, but I wanted to remember that on the 20th the kids got to have a sleep over at Sarah's. They had a BLAST with her kids and can't wait to do it again. On the 23rd we went out to dinner at the Farmington Javier's. We hadn't been to a Javier's in years, and although we weren't as impressed with the chicken chimichangas as we used to be, we sure loved us some ice cream nachos (nachos dulces)!! June 25-27th we spent in Park City with the fam (even Eric came up! But we were missing Tony because he had to work and be there for Skittles at night). We had lots of fun with them!

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