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Monday, March 23, 2015

Rest of December 2014

In December I made ornaments for our primary teachers with pictures of their class in them. I have one year in as primary secretary and I'm still enjoying it :)

On the 23rd we went to Lee's Mongolian (where we were reprimanded for taking home second bowls which we always used to do 😡), then went to the Ogden lights.

I put together these friend & neighbor gifts this year which I thought turned out really cute.
The kids were upset that we didn't make a zillion cookies and treats, but I couldn't find the time after practically living in California all month, ha!

On Christmas Eve we went to my mom & dad's where Skittles showed off her new haircut.

We ate appetizers and meatballs, the played some games.

Christmas morning the kids found that Santa had brought a new Disney Infinity, arrows and Faith got this backpack which she'd seen at Disneyland.

The kids got each other some small gifts.

Skittles got some bully sticks.

We actually got a white Christmas!

We were spoiled by my parents, as usual.

This was the cutest gift from my mom and dad:

We were spoiled again at Braegger's!

This was a game that projects ghosts on the walls and you have to shoot them with a laser gun!

After a day of too much excitement, the kids crashed.

It was mainly because they got up at like five in the morning and had to wait until I got off work at 6:00 to open gifts.

Christian was ecstatic that Chili's ribs returned to Tammy's New Year's Eve party this year!

We had a fun night of eating and playing games, and then noisily ring in the new year!!

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