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Monday, January 30, 2012

8 months out

Last Monday was my 8 month mark from my weight loss surgery so I thought I would post a progress report. I'm excited to announce--I'VE LOST A TOTAL OF 120 POUNDS!!! I finally got some sexy boots for the first time since I was a teenager :)

Weight loss has definitely slowed down, but I'm still plugging along. I started going to a personal trainer every week and have been working on toning and strength. I love that seeing her is no extra cost and provided by my surgeon's office!

Here is a month-by-month breakdown of my weight:
Online Graphing
Make a graph

And my progress picture (click to see a larger version):

I feel amazing and have recently noticed how much better I sleep at night and how much more I can move. This is truly the best thing I have ever done for myself! I still would like to lose 25 more pounds, and then comes the real beast: maintenance. I know it will be a constant struggle, but I have amazed myself so far with my lifestyle change and never want to go back. I feel like I'm getting close to the "me" I want to be :)

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