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Sunday, March 1, 2015

November 2014

Even though Faith wanted a Halloween themed friend birthday party, the week before did not work out so she held it on November 1st. She made these darling invitations for it:

Of course she wanted all kinds of Pinterest worthy snacks for the event. There was a jack-o'-lantern barfing guacamole,

deviled eggs that look like pumpkins, ghost bananas and Mandren orange pumpkins,

googly-eyed cups and hand shaped ice in the punch bowl

and cute spider ring cupcakes!

Her friends all looked darling dressed up.

We had them make individual mini pizzas.

Then played some games including mafia which I narrated.
Faith loved it so it was a huge hit!

On the 3rd I made a big Asian food feast of beef with broccoli, sushi, edimame and eggrolls.

On the 4th I voted for Tony and I. I was going to vote in person, but the lines were so long that the wait was going to be about two hours, so I drove home and got the packets and turned those in instead. Posted on Facebook that the incumbents could suck it!!!

Bud and Skittle-be-little still like to snuggle in the mornings. Here they are on November 7th.

On the 8th we went to the theater to see Big Hero 6. We loved it!

That afternoon we had Duncan Jewel come over to swap out burned Christmas light bulbs and had to borrow the Willden's long ladder.

At the grocery store, Christian found a very dignified holiday hat ;)

And Faith finally found something she wanted for her birthday – – footie pajamas!

On the 10th Christian made his own version of a cake pop.

And on the 14th his sister helped him get some wild and crazy hair, complete with a mohawk and long braided rat tail!

November 15th we took the kids ice skating at Station Park.

We saw Mockingjay part 1 on the 22nd. Faith is still very into the hunger games series.

The 27th was Thanksgiving. We have some fun turkey finding adventures at mom and dads and then a delicious dinner.

Then over to Braegger's for some quick pictures

and yet another delicious dinner!

November 28th was our traditional girls night at the nutcracker.

And the 29th we rode the train downtown for dinner at Tucano's

and a visit to Temple square. It was the night of the tree lighting so it was crazy, but still a lot of fun.

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