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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

March 2015

Here are my two guys on our big BumSack (foam filled bean bag) on March 1st.

On the 3rd, it was Christian's 100th day of school and they were invited to dress up like they were 100 years old.

He was a grumpy old man!

On the 4th the kids made Skittles a cake for her 3rd birthday.

The 8th was so nice, Buddy & I took our doggy for a walk.

Faith had a spring choir concert on March 11th. They sounded so great!

The 14th was Pi day, so we celebrated with shepherds pie for dinner (on the left) and cheesecake pie for dessert (on the right).

March 15th found us outside at the park, enjoying a beautiful spring day.

Here are the kids displaying how their Leprechaun trap narrowly missed catching a little green guy on the 17th.

We did find some footprints, as well as tiny bites in the treats!

 We had our traditional St. Patty's feast with the addition of a pear & cream cheese jello ring.

After dinner, Christian showed us how he could finally ride his bike!!
For the craft/dessert, I demonstrated the rainbow donut.

On the 20th, Christian got a MUCH needed haircut. He picked it himself and turned out so handsome!

The next day we saw:

Faith even did her nails for each of the factions :)

The kids and teachers looked so cute with their colorful (sticker) musical measles in primary on the 22nd that I couldn't resist taking a picture!

On March 25th I chaperoned a 7th grade field trip to a STEM conference at USU. there were lots of science & technology job booths with things for them to explore.

It was mainly a bust because it was so packed with kids that Faith could hardly see or participate in any demonstrations. At least we enjoyed the lunch we brought!

Lagoon's opening day was the 28th. Faith didn't feel well enough to go on rides (lingering effects from the mono, we believe), but we went ant got our season passes picked up.

Since Easter would be on General Conference this year, we thought we would get a "dressed up" Easter pic on the 29th after church. I set my phone on the popcorn machine and set the timer 😁

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