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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of July 2013

Christian was employing his chef skillz again on the 20th with some tie-dye colored pancakes.

Later that day I caught Skittles snoozing.
On the 22nd, we enjoyed produce from our garden and from Day Farm. Our pico de gallo included sunsugar & sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, green onion and jalapeƱos from our garden and only cilantro and kosher salt from the store. The zucchini bread had lots of garden zucchini, and we enjoyed fresh beans and peaches from the farm. Faith made deviled eggs, just for good measure :)

I was cleaning out my dresser and realized that I never got a picture of my 2012 Mother's Day gift that Christian made me at Miss Kelly's preschool. 
I love that the craft was supposed to be rolled construction paper rosebuds on top of straw stems, but Buddy got tired of making them after completing a few, so for the middle he just drew flowers on a bigger paper and taped on a bunch of staws. Priceless!
On the 22nd of July, Tony started his week off from work. We just relaxed that day, but on the 23rd we used a Christmas gift card to try out Buffalo Wild Wings. We tried six or seven flavors and loved them!
On Pioneer Day, the 24th, we started our two day Salt Lake Connect Passes. We usually do this with Joy's family, but she was a bit busy with her new bundle this year. (Haha, bundle of Joy)

We started the day at This is the Place. Tried out the olden day stilts,

inspected many animal pelts and got to guess what they were from,

and see lots of the houses and buildings which are normally closed when we are there.

We also panned for gold (still the favorite), 

visited with some children in traditional Native American dress inside a teepee,
bought some tonics from a traveling "pharmacist" (snake oil salesman), and collected the spoils from the candy cannon.

Next, we visited the zoo and saw the bird show.

Enjoyed all the animals and statuary :)

Then we drove up to Snowbird and rode the tram up the mountain.
The next day, we confused the departing time for the Frontrunner, and had to race it to Farmington after spending too much time grabbing breakfast from Carl's Jr!

We got off at the Thanksgiving Point stop and found that it was MUCH farther away from the Museum of Ancient Life than we thought. We didn't have much time, so we speed-walked over there in the heat. 

Had a fun, albeit short visit and especially liked this air tube in the science exhibit.

After grabbing a quick bite to go from the deli (of course Faith's favorite pasta), we jogged to the station and rode to the planetarium. We saw a neat 3D movie about Monarch butterfly migration and the kids were excited to eat nacho flavored freeze dried meal worms from the gift shop. They liked them!

We took Trax to Taffy Town,

then over to Temple Square. 

We ate at the Lion House and then saw a live star show at the planetarium where we learned about robotic exploration of space.

We were even the first ones to try out this brand new exhibit demonstrating tornadoes!

We had a little mix-up with the train times, so we blew some of our extra time riding on Trax. Buddy kept hanging off the hand straps :)
We spent the day at Boondocks on the 27th. We bowled, did laser tag, and played at the arcade. Tony even splurged on bowling pin slushies.
On Sunday the 28th, mom was showing us this picture of Eric & Joy from a trip years ago that Christian had loved when he was staying over. 
Mom said that when they had returned from this vacation and she was showing it to Grandpa Quinn he said, "Nice picture! Now remind me, which two are yours?"

That afternoon Faith finally got to hold Baby Evie <3

Silly times were had on July 29th.
And on the 31st both kids were in the middle of a week of swimming lessons. While watching Faith's, Christian had this fly guy "pet" who would keep landing on his hand and arm.

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