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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just before we got sick, I bought the makings for several different Valentine's craft projects. Because of the illness we didn't accomplish them all, but this one turned out great and Faith did most of it! It's just a styrofoam heart and a zillion 3" red felt circles folded and pinned on. They were all over the internets, but I first saw them here. Lots of ladies had a hard time finding the foam hearts in stock so I wasn't planning on making one, but I found one while shopping for other things at Hobby Lobby and just couldn't resist. It did take several hours (while watching tv with my hubby) to cut out all the circles, but Faith had a lot of fun pinning them on. I just filled in a couple of bare spots and it was complete.

When the kids get a h0ld of my phone, I never know what pictures will be on it when I get it back. Here are four of the forty+ they took in the back seat of the car on March 2nd. Crazy kids!

On March 3rd Faith went to the orthodontist (Sheldon Peck Orthodontics in Syracuse) to get her braces! I took a "before" shot in the waiting room.

Here she is with the bands around her back molars.

Love the attractive lip spreaders!

They decided to only do the bottom ones and wait two weeks to put on the top so that she could deal with the pain of each seperately and not have her whole mouth killing her. She got light green and dark green elastics for St. Patty's Day!

Buddy and I brought some lunch back for her that day so she could have really soft food. We brought yogurt, applesauce, string cheese, bread, and a banana. According to Buddy, we had to play on the playground after lunch! Faith's teeth didn't really start hurting until the next day, were definately sore the second day, but then felt pretty good by the third day. She was pretty lucky!

Here is the visual aid Faith made with her animal report on hamsters that she did at school.

Her teacher said to me, "You know, Faith is really talented in art." I said, "Yep, I know." She then said, "No, I mean really talented!" to which I replied, "Thanks, I really know!" :)

On the 5th we went with Faith's class to Apple Village and then Kaysville Fire Station. The firemen did such a great job with the tour. Here they are showing us the "jaws of life".

We got to see brush trucks, fire trucks, fire engines (which the kids got to get into) and the ambulance.

This firefighter even got all suited up for us and then let all the kids feel how heavy the helmets are. The kids loved it all, but Christian was absolutely enthralled. He couldn't stop talking about the "firemans and them trucks" afterward!

They even pulled an engine out of the bay so we could get a great group picture.

Later that day we had Ann, Natalie and kids over for a little get together. The kids played and then I had them do a craft--rainbows in a pot of gold! We just stuffed crumpled newspaper in the bottom of the cup and then used leftover homemade playdough (that I used for preschool) in the top to hold the pipe cleaners. I was going to get Rolos for the gold, but Faith can't have chewy candy with her braces! Instead, I found some Hershey's Treasures that had a gold wrapper.

We just found out Natalie is expecting this summer--a boy!

Christian has been obsessed with this game lately. For some reason, he calles it "hone-a jone-ez" and if he could, he would play it all day. When Tony got it for a family gift for us, I thought it would be too difficult for Buddy since he hasn't really done any video games other than Nick Jr. ones on the computer and some Wii sports. But the minute he started playing, he was hooked and learned really quickly. Is this just something that's in boys' DNA? It is good that he has something he loves so much because I totally use it as leverage to get good behavior out of him. Threatening his hona jonez usually gets him to straighten up pretty quick! I think it's also helping with potty training.

Of course, he still loves reading books and playing board games. I took these on the 11th after playing several rounds of Candy Land and Pretty, Pretty Princess. He calls it "Membery", I guess because you have to 'member where the cards are :D He always kicks my butt!

A match!
Whoa, hold on to your hats--I'm finally caught up!!!

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