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Saturday, March 28, 2009

We've had some nice weather, off and on, but occasionally it's rudely interrupted by spring snowstorms. On the nice days, we've been spending time at Angel Street Park Soccer Complex. This was taken Feb. 28th. (Tony's wearing his "hunting" wear because he spent the morning shooting clay pigeons with a buddy from work)

The kids loved getting out and swinging, playing on the playground, and just running around.

Christian even found some mud to play in!

I've just started giving Faith some early beginner piano lessons. Although she's quite stubborn and doesn't like me to correct her, she's a quick study and is picking up some basics!

On March 6th, the kids got to go to thier new dentist's! Christian has had two dentist visits, but this was his first cleaning. Other than refusing to get his dental x-rays, he did wonderfully! He thought that the blue, cookie dough flavored toothpaste was cool and he loved getting a token to put in the "gumball machine" style toy dispenser! Faith had to see the orthadontist there a week later where we found out that she will probably get braces in September--eek!

After the long winter, Buddy needs some practice at putting his sunglasses on by himself :)

Faith couldn't help but follow this awesome new style trend.

Baby Dusty is growing so big, so fast! He's a little mischief man and better never do this when I'm not looking!!! He had a big day on March 16th when he went to the Vet's for neutering & declawing. We didn't know he'd have to spend the night, and that morning when we found out that we had to wait until the next day to pick him up, Faith started to cry :(

On March 11th, I watched Sierra and Lily while Joy got her house ready to be shown. (Update--they accepted an offer this week and now have to hurry to find a new house!!) I thought it was so cute that Lily enjoyed teasing Dusty with his green boa on a stick. It was much later, when she started to get mad, that I realized that Lily actually wanted to play with that toy by herself and was upset that the cat kept pouncing on it!

On the 13th, Natalie came over with her darling girls for a St. Patty's party. Unfortunately, Ann couldn't make it because Brody didn't feel well :( Nat brought over this cute craft as well as leprechaun hat cookies made from an upside down striped shortbread cookie, mini Reese's peanut butter cup on top, and green icing buckle.

Immediately after the party, I took Faith & Christian over to Braegger's where they were having a sleepover with Zach. Tammy gave them new jammies as a surprise, then they got to eat Chinese take-out and chocolate fondue! The next day, she made them green pancakes & green scrambled eggs for breakfast, then took them indoor miniature golfing at Fat Cat's. They had so much fun! And Christian actually slept over this time instead of coming home at 11:30 pm!!!!!!

On the 14th, Tony shaved his beard that he'd been growing out for a week or so into a "Hulk Hogan" mustache and goatee. I told him that it looked absolutely ridiculous and that thing just had to go, so he went in to shave it. (He was halfway done whent this picture was taken, so you can't get the full effect of the craziness) Faith thought it was so funny that she immediately grabbed some paper, tape, and her markers and made herself and her brother some crazy mustaches! (I love how Buddy put his on upside down!!)

Faith then decided that they just weren't big enough, so she made a couple more.

March 15th was Zach's 10th birthday, so we went over to his house to celebrate. He got a Wii Fit and some awesome golf clubs!

When Tony got off work a little earlier than usual on the 16th and it was windy in Salt Lake, he took us out to fly kites when he got home.

Too bad that it wasn't windy at all in Kaysville! We still had a lot of fun trying to get the kites up.

Then the kids enjoyed the park for awhile until we started getting eaten by mosquitoes. I thought it would be too early in the season for those little buggers!

Here are Faith and Christian in their green on St. Patrick's day getting in some "Elefun" after picking Dusty up from the vet.

I love how well the kids get along together!

That night I made a special dinner of corned beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, green rolls (from Bowmans-they have a great bakery) and green milk. We had a lot of fun with St. Patty's this year!


Jenn J. said...

Next time you go to the park... Call me please! Also, make this crappy weather go away so we can!!
Fun post! Loved catching up on the going ons of your house.

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Lots of fun stuff! Thanks for all of the help and fun get togethers! We love doing it. I do think that you need to post more!!!!