Awesome people stepped up and dressed for the occasion (I think coming as my regular self should have counted, being as that is scarier than any costume I could think of. But, alas, it was pointed out to me that I'm a party-pooper) Here are my sister Joy (and her unborn daughter, Lilly) as a basketball, her husband Jordan as a basketball player from a monster team, and her daughter Sierra as a cheerleader. I must point out that Joy MADE that adorable costume. You can't see the front very well in this picture, but the school name is "Peek-a-BOO Day Scare."
Later that evening Christian & I joined Tammy & Zach in visiting the Dinosaur Park. I love to go there at Halloween when they have bloody limbs hanging out of the dinos' mouths, jack-o-lanterns, spider webs everywhere and a fog machine that is out of this world. Christian LOVED it and was making dinosaur noises back at them.
We had lots fun at our ward's Halloween carnival the next night, and Faith found a new way of keeping track of her brother. We ate spaghetti & meat balls and then went to the classrooms with the games. Faith did: eat the donut haning on a string, pin the bone on the skeleton, cake walk, fishing pond (Christian did this one, too!), decorating a pumpkin sugar cookie, musical tombstones, and a spook alley.
Monday the 29th, we met up with Joy's family at the Black Island Farms Corn Maze in Syracuse. We first watched the magic show, then did lots of slides, the baby corn maze (even the small one just about jiggled Christian's brains out riding in the stroller over that rough ground), played in the sandbox of dried corn, sat around the bonfire, teeter-tottered, Faith rode in a little farm train-like thing pulled by a tractor, and saw the farm animals. The picture is of Faith taking her brother up to one of the slides. We had a great time!
On the 30th I carved pumpkins with the kids. Christian loved pulling the "guts" out and even taste-tested some, I think.
Then we went to Lagoon for the last time this year :(
On Halloween night we first went trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood, then went over to Tony's parents' for homemade chili. After that Tony took the kids around their neighborhood with his mom, Tammy & Zach. The kids sure loaded up on the candy! Christian thought having people hand you candy that you can put in your bucket was the coolest thing, ever. He had a vise grip on the handle of that thing!!
Here is Faith with her aunt Tammy. (Another person cool enough to dress up! I tell you, I'm going to put in some effort and come up with a costume next year in an attempt to cool myself up.) We had a great Halloween night!
Faith's 6th birthday was Nov. 1st, but we celebrated with the family the Sunday afterward. We had some great cake and Faith got tons of nice gifts. Unfortunately, one of the main things she asked for and received were the AquaDots. Just a few days later the recall came out because the glue on them turns into GHB (the date rape drug) if ingested. But my mom got them exchanged for a Sleeping Beauty Barbie with magical color changing dress, and all is well.
I caught her in the other room practicing to be a singing star with her new "High School Musical" microphone.
Funny side note, Faith has decided that her stage name when she becomes a famous singer will be "Princess Rocking Girl." Look for her new album out in stores in 7-10 years. :D
As I said at the beginning we have been enjoying the weather. One thing we love is riding bikes. Christian's favorite is playing in the dirt and Faith loves going over to her friends' and playing on the trampoline or the giant fancy swing set. I'm going to be sad when the weather turns cold and snowy!
Last week I took Faith in for her yearly check-up and she got a flu shot. She was terrified of getting the shot and afterward said it made her leg hurt. In the car on the way home she asked "Mom, how do people get wheelchairs?" HA, HA Faith, the drama queen.
Mostly I spent last week reading the three books in the "Twilight" series: "Twilight", "New Moon", and "Eclipse". Girls, you have to check these out!!! (And I don't mean at the library, there are over 300 holds on each!!!!!)
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