December 1st he made lunch like Buddy did in the movie "Elf."
On the 2nd he didn't move. Super rude!
On the 3rd the silly guy was using the nutcracker on some peanut M&M's.
December 4th Christian found him in the laundry room.
On the 5th he had made a shaving cream snowman in the master bathroom.
He was on top of the piano having fun in a ball pit of gumballs on the 6th.
December 7th he was on top of our medicine chest with a special prescription:
Inside the "pills" were animal shaped sponges!
On the 8th he found there had been a war with Yoda, and enough Silly String left for Christian to attack the family (especially me!).
On the 9th he was on Bud's dresser with a gift of a game.
On the 24th Hermie was found in the entertainment center up in the loft with some science gifts. When Christian took the gifts, Hermie fell over!
The note he left on Christmas day told us not to worry and there was even a final gift of some sun catchers to paint.