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Thursday, May 18, 2017

January 2017

January 2nd everyone was off from work and school, so we took a trip up to Logan. It was a beautiful winter wonderland!

We, of course, were headed to the cheese factory where we got lots of curds and other cheeses.

Took the kids ice skating at Station Park, but the ice was really rough and not fun at all. Got our money back after just a few minutes and headed home to watch a movie instead.

Tammy sent me this cute picture she got of Lana and Larry.

On the 3rd we went to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Christian saw a cool trick on Outrageous Acts of Science on January 4th and decided he just had to replicate it. You balance two forks on a toothpick on a drinking glass. Then you light the toothpick on fire from the end inside the glass. It burns all the way to the edge, then goes out and the forks are still balancing on the tiny piece of toothpick barely touching the glass! Bud caught the whole thing on video with his phone and posted it to Facebook.

I had a tooth start hurting over the weekend, but by the morning of the 9th I was in extreme pain. Got into an Endodontist and had to have an emergency root canal. My sweet visiting teacher heard about it later that day (because her daughter is Christian's piano teacher) and brought me flowers!

I know I take a bunch of photos of Skittles snuggling with her dad, but I just think it's so dang cute! Here she is on the 11th welcoming him home from work.

On the 14th we took the kids to Boondock's for some fun (or, from my view, torture).

Bowling is fun, though!

We used gift cards to eat out at Texas Road House that night.

The 16th was MLK day and we had a peace-loving breakfast.

The kids loved the chicken and waffle sliders so much last year that we had the same lunch again! (Fried okra-not as much of a hit)
We also watched the movie Hidden Figures about how African American women did so much important work with the space program helping to get us to the moon. We LOVED it!
Faith started feeling a bit better and attending some school. On the 19th she got 100% on this!

On the 21st I got a new filter app and took this glamour shot of the kids on the way to Buddy's ballroom dancing competition in Provo. It was snowy and a pretty tough commute!

He did such a great job! I videoed each of his dances and posted them.

Afterward, we ate at the Provo Tucanos,

and got caramel apples at the shop nearby.

On the 22nd Tony tried out the Christmas gift he got himself--a monster deep fryer! Now he can do a ton of hot wings at once.

It was super snowy that day.

On the 24th Bud designed

and built a marble maze to pass off a badge for cub scouts.

Here are the cute photo Christmas cards we received plus some darling cards from the twins in Tony's primary class.

Things in government continue to irk me. This tickled my funny bone:

My cute SkittleBug was placed here by her Buddy, so she watched me a bit while I worked.

And this totally reminded me of my Baby Faith:

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Elf 2016

Here are some adventures of Hermie, our Elf on the Shelf, this year:

December 1st near the printer with a letter in the tray

2nd Spider-Man cosplay hanging from the dining light fixture

3rd a little reindeer dress up in Faith's closet

4th upstairs in the loft in the old entertainment center curio with science experiment gifts:

instant "snow" (like the filling in disposable diapers)
and a tree which grew crystals after a few days 
 6th brought a connect four game to play with Lion on the kitchen counter

7th built a treehouse in the family room

 8th had a run-in with the nutcrackers near the stove

9th was frozen by Elsa in the master bath

(he melted throughout the day)

11th did some work on the jeep in the playroom

15th spied on the kids using their bathroom from the back of the toilet

17th sitting on the piano and had brought a card game as a gift

22nd probably got in the Tooth Fairy's way when she was leaving money for Christian the previous night

23rd showed up in the coat closet with a pretty impressive Darth Vader costume (complete with glow stick lightsaber) and brought gifts of light up Christmas bulb necklaces

24th was playing a couple of holes on my desk

25th Bud woke up that morning to find a photo on his door:

He got to be twinners with Rudolph and Hermie!

I don't know what happened, but I didn't manage to get pictures of Hermie's adventures on the other days :( Not sure if it was phone/camera malfunction or brain malfunction! I did get this picture in January because one day our Elf brought this "growing" alligator. Buddy brought up our ten gallon aquarium from the basement and put him in water. It took a number of days, but he tripled in size!
As for the rest, I think there were three days that he didn't move, one day that he brought a cool tiny basketball game, another where he took a warm bath in the crock pot with miniature marshmallows instead of water (and even had a little rubber ducky in there with him), and one more that I remember where he put gift bows on all of our kitchen cabinets. Why would I stop writing in my journal app in November of 2016 when I had done it so faithfully for the two previous years??!! Don't worry, I started back up in January of this year :)