Another exciting installment is here! Tony has been enjoying his new route delivering to the Logan area. He has to be to work at 6:30 am and doesn't usually get off until 8 pm and sometimes later. Not only has he been working tons of overtime, he has been working his butt off trying to get the sprinkling system in. At least the temperature was better this weekend than last.
On Monday, Joy and Sierra came over for a visit. We had lots of fun with them--here is Sierra pushing Christian in his car.

On Tuesday, Tammy took us, Tina & her son Zach to the zoo for her 40th birthday party! It was insanely hot, but we all still had a lot of fun. I think Christian loved it the most, he was too little to notice the animals when we took him for the first time in the early spring, but this time he took it all in.
Some favorite animals were the white alligator "The Ghost of the Bayou," the elephants, and the rhinoceros which was right up to the window eating hay. Christian loved the rhino so much that he kept waving to it and cried when we moved on.

That evening we were pretty wiped out and were just hanging out playing with the T.V. on in the background. A show called "L.A. Ink" came on and we found ourselves watching. I know, I know, I'm probably a bad mom for letting my daughter watch a show about a tatoo parlor, but I used it as an opportunity to talk to her about what I DON'T want her to do. Faith decided that she would only want one if it washed off and didn't involve needles, and here is the result of her artwork.

Faith's favorite activity is playing video games with her dad. As late as he gets home, he promised her one game a night. They play Halo, football, or crash-up derby and Faith loves it when her dad lets her win. In this picture Misty seems to be interested as well :)

On Friday I finished decorating Christian's shelves and changed the pictures out in the ark frame. I'll have to show the new ones next time, but for now look at the teeny tiny Faith!!! Tony and I hardly remember her being so little!

By Friday evening, Christian had finally figured out how to move his car himself with his feet. Faith was riding this three-wheeler around the house all week and that night kept crashing into Christian and making him squeal with laughter.

Here is Joy with her adorable 3 month baby bump and dad with his little buddy. Every Sunday we visit Tony's parents and eat dinner at my mom & dad's where we meet up with my brother & sisters and my mom's parents. It's so fun to visit and I love that the cousins are so close!

In my ongoing series of house pictures, here is our playroom which is in the bonus room over the garage. I LOVE having a playroom where toys can be out and messy and you can't see it from the rest of the house.
'Til next time!