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Monday, May 15, 2017

October 2016

On October 1st we went to Gardner Village with Tammy and Lana.

We ate lunch at Archibald's,
took some pics

and found some witches.

Tammy went back with Lana and Larry on the 8th and got this great photo of them.

On the 9th, we headed over to the Braegger's so Tony could help Zach hang their Christmas lights.

Skittles had a great game of "leash tug-o-war"!

October 12th for Riot we went trail running almost directly east of our house, up on the mountain. Not a very flattering picture of me, but I had a lot of fun!

This year I have been volunteering on the Heritage Elementary PTA board as the person over the Box Tops for Education program. I decided, instead of holding contests like we have in the past, to have a Box Tops "store" where the kids could purchase small items using Box Tops as currency. I got the idea from Sarah and Joy whose elementaries both hold thme. On the 14th we held our first one.
It was a huge success! We had little frootie candies, finger flashlights, pencils, erasers, coupons for free icecream, little toys, books and posters for sale. We ended up collecting enough Box Tops to earn nearly $3000 for our school! It was funny, even though they have an expiration date several years past the food's expiration, some of the Box Tops turned in had expired years ago! They must have been sitting in someone's junk drawer for a very long time, LOL!

On the 15th of October we all brought our mattresses into the family room, watched a movie, and had a sleepover. Here is everyone but me still asleep the next morning.

Guess I really liked my makeup that day, because I snapped a selfie on the way to church.

On the 17th I got this text from Bud's cute piano teacher (she's a senior in high school and a super caring, sweet girl):

That evening we were at Smith's and Bud had to try the grandpa mask again this year!

I thought this quote was very thought provoking:

On the 20th we went to Black Island Farms where we met up with Tammy, Tina, Zach and Liam.

We even ran into Tyler and Krystle


On the 23rd mom & dad had a fun Halloween party. We loved this game where you drop a broom handle onto a paper plate holding a plastic spider. This launches the spider into the air and you try to catch it!

October 25th was crazy hair day and Christian's super tall faux hawk fit the bill.

Loved this Riot challenge and the focus on thanking people!

Faith has still been very sick and her primary complaints are extreme fatigue, constant headaches and migraines, and horrible nausea. I had heard about people getting this special location ear piercing (called the daith piercing) to lessen the occurrence of migraines and a lady in our ward (Kindia & Kaisa's mom) got it and was very happy with the results. So on the 26th we took Faith to the KOI piercing studio in Salt Lake and had D.J. do her piercing.
It has really helped! She still gets headaches sometimes, but not nearly as often. And has only had one migraine in the last six months!

On the 28th I went to Christian's class and helped with the Halloween party. I did several games, one where the kids passed tissue paper ghosts down relay lines using only straws and their ability to suck air!

The next game was tossing candy into Slimer's mouth using the cute artwork Faith did for his party the year before.

That evening was our ward trunk-or-treat. The kids got in their costumes--Christian was Slenderman and Faith was a sugar skull.

It drizzled rain on us, but we had fun!

The 29th was Joy and Jordan's annual party. I was a crazy cat lady and Ton was Batman.

Faith's makeup was crazy intricate!

We brought bloody cupcakes with sugar axes in them.

Joy had all sorts of cute treats.

I saw this picture online and wanted to save it as a couples costume idea for Tony and I next year: Kronk and Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove.

October 30th we tried to get one more use out of our Lagoon season passes. This was Tony's first trip this year and our second :(

We rode the train and then Faith started feeling sick. Not a happy Lagoon year.

Loved this meme:
 Halloween afternoon the kids got dressed up and we stopped by each of the grandparents'.


Then headed home to do some trick-or-treating.

Unfortunately, after the holiday this was me: 

Monday, May 8, 2017

September 2016

September 1st Christian turned 10. Here is a special gift from us, light up light saber chopsticks!

He wanted to miss all of school, but I compromised and just took him out for brunch at Kneaders.

He brought treats back for his classmates.

That night he got another cake--Dairy Queen ice cream cake!

Here's Skit Skat looking fluffy on the 3rd.

Being silly at Bath & Body Works on the 5th.

On the 8th we had a quick trip to the store and I thought the kids looked extra cute!

And they still love to try on Halloween masks.

On the 11th Joy did a pirate birthday party for Brandt.

Cutest cake, decorations and games!

Christian was in a Chinese program at school and he wanted a special shirt for it. We ordered this adult small one on Amazon and he totally rocked it!

Things got silly again on the 17th when the kids had some fun with a borrowed hand truck.

Here's Bud on the 18th...
recreating a bit Benedict Cumberbatch did on the Graham Norton Show (British chat show we watch online) about his fans saying he looked like an otter:
Meme time

On the 29th I took the kids (on the train because I didn't want to drive that far) to the Cornbelly's JetBlue fall party.

Christian loved the bags of sand with gems and fossils that he got to sift through.

Overall, it was so packed that we hardly got any of the goodies or to do the activities. Our gift cards weren't good for the dinner location we found that actually had food left. And we stood in line forever for cinnamon almonds and didn't get any. If we go again next year, we'll have to go far earlier!

Buddy still likes to cook when he feels like it, so he made his own cookie recipe on the 30th.