We went to my mom & dad's for their traditional Christmas Eve party. Unfortunately, we had a bit of excitement on our way there. Someone didn't fill the car with gas (**embarrassed blush**) and we totally ran out just before going over the bridge on 200 North :( We tried to call a neighbor for help, but I hadn't brought my cell phone and Tony's battery was nearly dead and he hadn't brought the charger. After we freaked out for ten or fifteen minutes, Tony decided to go door to door looking for a helpful Samaritan with a gas can. Luckily, he found someone and we got to a gas station, refilled the can, and returned it to the very nice and helpful man.
Once we got there, we enjoyed our traditional appetizers and then had a dinner of ham and funeral potatoes. Faith got to be Mary at first for the nativity and Christian got to be "Joseth". I think it's cute that he pronounced it that way and that many kids, including Faith when she was tiny, say "Jovis"!

Lily was a shepherd and was someone to be reckoned with when she was wielding that cane. I guess Tiff played the sheepdog :)

Alaura was an angel.
For the second half, Sierra got to be Mary and kept kissing Christian.

Here was his reaction, every time:

Faith was then a wiseman,

and Celeste and Noah were the other two.

Mom gave the kids darling gifts and here are the girls with their plush penguins in igloo purses.

The little boys got these monkeys that stretch. You are supposed to put the hands on your pointer and middle fingers, pull back on the legs and let them fly. When they hit something, they make the most blood curdling monkey scream! We were ready to kill those things by the end of the evening!!

We stopped by Braeggers after we were done at my mom and dad's and started for home close to ten. Because it was so late, Tony and I didn't do our annual drive by of the Doctor John's store in Roy! We started this back when we lived in Clinton and it was just on our way home. We always thought it was hilarious how many cars were in the parking lot of people doing some last minute Christmas shopping of the "provocative" variety (Santa just doesn't bring those kind of toys ;). The last two Christmases we've lived in Kaysville and have even gone out of our way to drive by! Anyway, it was just too late that night and we had to get the kids home and into bed. But I vowed that we would make sure we left for home earlier next year and every year henceforth so we could continue our tradition. After all, family holiday traditions are sacrosanct :D