Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
How fast do you type?
63 words
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Aren't kids (& pets) so precious when they're sleeping?
The next couple of days, I got pictures of the rest of my babies sleeping. Here's this little stinker snoozing away the early morning in my bed. Luckily he usually sleeps through the night in his crib and only wakes up and wants to snuggle after Tony has gone to work.
Here's Misty sleeping comfortably (???!!!!!??) in her number "6" position with her back feet resting on a chair leg. She has a bunch of crazy sleeping positions. Of course, she is a cat, so she's no amateur.
And Crumpet in her favorite spot--on top of the sofa back cushion. Don't worry, if you want to sit on the couch, she won't mind, at least not very much.
Faith was so excited to be starting soccer!! Here she is at her first practice on Sep. 4th.
She has a great coach who really works them and teaches them about the game. The day after, Faith said that she sure wished she had soccer practice every day! She was really looking forward to her "big game". I thought that maybe she called it that because it was her first, but later heard her talking about the other games and was calling them all "big games" :D
The "Purple Pixies" had their first game on the 13th because they had a bye-week on the 6th. Faith looked so cute all decked out in her uniform!
They lost 2-3, but had a fun time and did great both individually, and as a team. Faith was really dissapointed that she didn't make a goal, but I was impressed that she was always right in there by the ball and got in some good blocks and kicks. When the other team had the ball, Faith was one of only two who always ran hard to get ahead of it.
Christian had a hard time at the game. When we got there and Faith went out on the field to practice, he tried to follow her. I showed him the white line on the ground and told him that we couldn't go past it. He was so upset, he started throwing a fit and screaming, "line . . . line . . . LINE!!!!!" Then Tammy took him over to the nearby playground to distract him. Later on, he came back to watch Faith play, but kept defiantly touching and putting body parts across the line. What a stinker!
That weekend we also went to Arctic Circle to eat and let the kids play. Christian had fun stealing, and then wearing, Tony's ball cap.
He even plopped it on his sister.
We also went to Lagoon. It was still a little hot, but definately nicer than in the middle of summer!
We had lots of fun, but are also looking forward to Frightmares in October when they have up the Halloween decorations and trick-or-treating.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I hate politicians
I hate how both condemn the other party for any little thing they can find negative about it, but defend those very same things about themselves. Like how the Republicans bashed Obama for his lack of experience, and then brought in Palin for VP, and now the Dems are bashing her for it! Experience is usually a good thing, but in politics, it just seems to corrupt. I really wish that we had more than two major parties--it wouldn't solve all our problems, but at least it would give us something more than just the two extremes.
In this sea of craziness, ironically, the only "fair and balanced" news program I have found is actually a fake news program. Jon Stewart & his team at The Daily Show make fun of both sides and do a great job of it. I especially enjoyed this the other night when they were reporting from Denver: (my favorite part starts at about 7 minutes in, also be warned that it may not be for kids)
I would post my favorite Daily Show segment making fun of the GOP, but it was a gag about the reason they held their convention in Minnesota (answer: so Republicans can party in the Minneapolis airport men's room--"the Larry Craig" bathroom), and I try to keep my blog family friendly ;D But I also loved it the other night, when, at the end of his interview with Mike Huckabee, Stewart summed up, "So, you think that your party is the only one that can fix the damage that your party has done." Huckabee responded, "Um, . . . yeah, I guess you could put it that way" and chuckled.
I'm still not sure who I will be voting for (to the frustration of my staunchly Republican, O'Reily & Hannity-loving mother), but over the next few weeks I will do my best to figure out which is the lesser of two evils. Feel free to leave enlightening comments.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First grade & a 2nd birthday!
The one thing Tony & I have been doing every night is solving Sudoku puzzles from the newspaper. Tony usually beats me on the 1 & 2 star puzzles, and I usually win on the 3 & 4 stars, but not always. I highly recommend them, they're fun and exercise your brain! (My brain is size 2 & "Maxim" hot, in case you were wondering.) I even printed some beginner puzzles for Faith and she is catching on quick.
Faith was so excited to ride the bus that she wouldn't let me drive her to school, even though all the other kids at our stop rode with their moms. We didn't know where her class would be, so I told her that Christian & I would follow the bus to school in our car and be there to help her find it.
The kids saw the bus coming and lined up. Good boy, Christain! Way to retrieve the newspaper!
Faith waved to her little bro, and they were off. I thought Christian would be upset each day, watching his sister go off to school without him. But he loves to see the kids & the bus and I guess that cuts the sting a little bit.
She even let Christian hold her this particular morning, will wonders never cease?
Again, with Christian's "smile for the picture" face . . . sigh. Anyway, they & Tammy gave him lots of great stuff, including several cute outfits, a big Thomas coloring set, and "Cranky" the crane and "Billy" the orange engine to go with his train.
and rode off into the sunset . . .